Application for Residency

Identifying the right Care Home for yourself or for a loved one and then arranging for the move into that Home can be a stressful and demanding exercise. Often people find themselves quite suddenly having to give consideration to such important matters. Some aspects of the process can be quite complex for those who are unfamiliar with it. Key decisions frequently have to be made within a remarkably short timescale.

At Newark Care we do our very best to guide applicants and their families through the different stages of the process, our admissions manager Elaine Slaven has many years of experience in this role and can answer your questions.

On these pages we set out some of the main aspects for you to consider. More detailed information is also available and can be downloaded from the site or by speaking to Elaine. Her contact details are: Email – or Telephone – 0141 621 2566

First Impressions

Before submitting an application to Newark Care for residency we strongly recommend that you visit one or both of our Care Homes. This can be time-consuming, of course; but there is no better way to get a true impression of how different care homes operate than by visiting a few. Many people have said to us that within the first few minutes of their first visit to one of our Homes they knew that it was the place for them or their loved one.

Although our ethos and standards of care are the same across the organisation, our two homes have quite different layouts. For this reason one Home may appeal to you more than the other.

Our Care Homes have an open door policy and we are delighted to welcome you at anytime. However we would encourage you to make an appointment so that we can arrange for you to meet the Care Manager or a member of senior care staff at the home.