Our philosophy of care
Newark Care’s Philosophy of Care sets the foundation for the standards of care that we provide in our Homes. Our full philosophy is set out in the attachment below and can be summarised like this.
It champions the following seven basic rights of Residents:
Life in a communal setting and the need to accept help with personal tasks are inherently invasive of a Resident’s ability to enjoy the pleasure of being alone and undisturbed. We therefore strive to retain as much privacy as possible for our Residents.
Disabilities quickly undermine dignity. Consequently we uphold respect for the intrinsic value of each individual.
Having disabilities and residing in a Home can act to deprive an individual of their rights as a citizen. We therefore work to maintain our Residents’ place in society as fully participating and benefiting citizens.
We want to help our Residents to exercise their skills and abilities and realise personal aspirations.
We place these rights at the forefront of our Philosophy of Care. We seek to advance these rights within our Home environment and through the services that we provide.
Click the link to download.
We place these rights at the forefront of our Philosophy of Care. We seek to advance these rights within our Home environment and through the services that we provide.
Click the link to download.
DOC - 35kb
As our Residents have given up a good deal of their independence to enter a group living situation, we regard it as all the more important to foster their remaining opportunities to think and act without reference to another person.
We aim to provide an environment and structure of support which responds to the individual’s need for security.
Wherever possible, we aim to give Residents the opportunity and sufficient time to select from a range of options, in all aspects of their lives.