Nursing Care

Nursing Care

In addition to Personal Care, it may be that through infirmity, illness or injury you require Nursing Care on a regular basis. This type of care can only be provided by a registered nurse or under the direct supervision of a registered nurse.

In both of Newark Care’s Homes, registered nursing staff and qualified carers are on duty 24 hours a day providing care and support. Nursing Care is provided with reference to the requirements set out in each individual’s Care Plan. The Care Plan allows us to provide person centred care by working with the resident and their family to meet their physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. The care plans also contain details of each individual’s health care needs, their medication, their GP and any Community Nursing or other therapeutic services received. These care plans are reviewed as needs change in consultation with all those involved in the delivery of care as well as family members.

Care to help our charity grow?

Newark Care is increasingly reliant on charitable donations from one of gifts and legacies to regular donations. Every penny counts towards providing the very best nursing and residential care for our residents. Please consider donating today.