Planning for your care

Planning for your care

The Resident’s agreed individual Care Plan provides the basis upon which our care service is delivered. Developing the Care Plan requires the agreement of the Resident, and involves discussion with any relatives or representatives who may be involved in the Resident’s care needs and plans.

Each person’s Care Plan includes a description of their preferred daily routine, their likes and dislikes in relation to food and any specific dietary requirements. It includes their preferences in respect of how they like to be addressed and what dignity, respect and privacy means to them in terms of daily behavior and actions.

The Care Plan also contains a Risk Assessment and our plans to manage any risk. It sets out the Resident’s health care needs, their medication, their GP and any Community Nursing or other therapeutic services provided or that they have commissioned independently. The Care Plan includes details of the Residents’ social interests and activities and how these may be met; arrangements to attend religious services and for contact with relatives, friends and representatives.

Each Resident is allocated to a senior member of the care team who will act as their first point of contact. This key worker will be responsible for monitoring and reviewing the Care Plan, including co-coordinating input for the Resident’s Care Reviews.

Care Reviews are held at least every six-months, and more often if required.

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Newark Care is increasingly reliant on charitable donations from one of gifts and legacies to regular donations. Every penny counts towards providing the very best nursing and residential care for our residents. Please consider donating today.

Burnfield July Activities

Upcoming July Events at Burnfield Care Home   Family Fun Day, 7th July 2-4pm Wimbledon Tennis Activities 4th July US Independence Day Treat